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Edmonton city councillor Sarah Hamilton not seeking re-election

After two terms on Edmonton city council, Sarah Hamilton has announced she will not be seeking re-election in Ward sipiwiyiniwak. Read More

​”The divisive governance culture of the last four years has only reinforced my belief that I can be a stronger advocate in the community,” Hamilton said   

“The divisive governance culture of the last four years has only reinforced my belief that I can be a stronger advocate in the community,” Hamilton said

After two terms on Edmonton city council, Sarah Hamilton has announced she will not be seeking re-election in Ward sipiwiyiniwak.

Hamilton made the announcement Thursday, citing the current state of politics as one of the reasons she is making the move away from City Hall.

“Over the past year, I have realized that the best way for me to serve my community is no longer in council chambers,” she said in a statement.

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“The divisive governance culture of the last four years has only reinforced my belief that I can be a stronger advocate in the community, working to define our future growth and drive meaningful change for Edmonton.”

In her statement, Hamilton spoke of pride in her work advancing “economic investment, public safety, and reconciliation.”

During her time in office, Hamilton served for six years on the Edmonton Police Commission, and was an adviser on the city’s Indigenous Relations initiative.

Hamilton joins fellow west-end councillor Andrew Knack among those not seeking re-election.

Among sitting councillors, Anne Stevenson, Erin Rutherford, Ashley Salvador, Michael Janz and Keren Tang have registered their intent to run again. Tim Cartmell is running for mayor.

This year’s election will be the first under new rules allowing for the creation of parties and slates.

So far, just one party, PACE, has registered, according to the Edmonton Elections website.

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