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Letters, March 15, 2025: ‘No… let’s not sacrifice Quebec’​on March 15, 2025 at 11:00 am

Radically wrong Read More

​Radically wrong The letter-writer (Radical solution, March 12) has a radical idea — to offer the psychopathic monster the Belle Province of Quebec on the golden platter just to appease the beast, distracting attention from English-speaking 51-st State. The Editor is right saying this would isolate and sacrifice the Maritimes. There is one more problem:   

Radically wrong

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The letter-writer (Radical solution, March 12) has a radical idea — to offer the psychopathic monster the Belle Province of Quebec on the golden platter just to appease the beast, distracting attention from English-speaking 51-st State. The Editor is right saying this would isolate and sacrifice the Maritimes. There is one more problem: many people consider Montreal the best part of Canada because so many fluently bilingual Anglophones, Francophones and trilingual Allophones live there. The monster has no respect for them so the letter-writer’s idea to appease the beast this way is wrong.


(We’re not giving him any part of Canada)

Level up

If you recall, a few years ago some of our politicians didn’t play well with others, and it appears it is repeating itself. They should get along with POTUS because he is much the same. Cooperation and common sense are required right now, but I don’t know if either group can set aside their egos during these trying times. We will have to come up with the Treaty of Ghent, (1814) Part Two to settle our differences. The States declared war on Canada in 1812 and has done so again with the Tariff War of 2025. Let’s negotiate, if we can, with level heads.

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(Level heads do, indeed, seem to be the one element missing here. Then again Trump is a polarizing figure)

Grit regroup

What a huge mistake made by the Conservative Party of Canada. Why would they make Prime Minister Trudeau quit before forcing an election? The Liberals now have the opportunity to reorganize, which they appear to be doing, and gaining more support.


(This is a very real possibility at this point)

Poilievre’s time

Like it or not, like him or not, Donald Trump has a legitimate grievance about trade imbalances. The U.S./Canada trade imbalance is real, and it favours Canada. It’s time to fix these long-simmering issues in good faith with some straight talk and fair play by cooler heads. We also need to seriously review Canada’s flawed supply management protectionist system. And develop non-U.S. markets by building pipelines and selling our natural gas to others. Pipelines and gas sales to a begging EU that the Carney-Trudeau Liberals respectively stalled and blocked for years. Clearly, they are not the ones to solve this problem. It’s time for a common sense team, and that’s Pierre Poilievre and the Conservatives.


(Carney and his Liberals are going to pursue the same terrible policies Trudeau did. As for the trade, this should be renegotiated through the USMCA)

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