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McDonald’s drive-thru in Downtown Dallas to stay open, for now​on February 28, 2025 at 2:13 pm

A permit allows the fast food restaurant at 1000 Commerce St. to continue operations of its drive-thru service for the next five years.

​A permit allows the fast food restaurant at 1000 Commerce St. to continue operations of its drive-thru service for the next five years.   

A permit allows the fast food restaurant at 1000 Commerce St. to continue operations of its drive-thru service for the next five years.

DALLAS — This story was originally published by our content partners at the Dallas Business Journal. Read the full story here

The drive-thru of a busy McDonald’s in downtown Dallas is likely to stay in place for at least a few more years after city council members on Feb. 26 approved a specific-use permit for the site.

The permit allows the fast food restaurant at 1000 Commerce St. to continue operations of its drive-thru service for the next five years. The vote passed by a 11-3 vote.

A staff member said the City of Dallas sent five notices to surrounding property owners within 200 feet of the drive-thru. It received no replies in favor and three opposed to McDonald’s request to keep a drive-thru.

City officials, including city commissioners, have previously clashed over whether to allow the drive-thru to continue operating. It’s in a part of town that’s mostly home to large parking lots and a parking garage, and leaders have worried a drive-thru interferes with their vision to make downtown a more walkable and vibrant district.

Others contend McDonalds is a rare affordable food option for workers in the area looking for a cheap and easy meal or lunch. Chick-Fil-A appears to be the only other fast food option downtown and does not operate a drive-thru.

Read the rest of the story from the Dallas Business Journal here


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