The Gujarat police have filed a case against a woman for allegedly driving her husband to suicide. According to the police, he left behind a video urging his family to teach her a lesson for causing his death, police said on Saturday (January 4).
According to police, 39-year-old Suresh Sathadiya was found hanging from the ceiling of his home in Gujarat’s Botad district, on December 30.
According to Botad rural police, Sathadiya’s family discovered a video on his phone in which he urged them to “teach his wife a lesson for causing his death.”
Following a complaint from Sathadiya’s father, an FIR was lodged on Friday against the man’s wife, Jayaben. The father alleged that Jayaben mentally harassed Sathadiya by frequently quarrelling and often leaving their home to stay with her parents.
The FIR stated that Sathadiya had visited his in-laws’ house to convince Jayaben to return home, but she refused. Distraught, he returned home and hanged himself after recording the video.
Police have registered a case under Section 108 (abetment of suicide) of the Bharatiya Nyay Sanhita and are conducting further investigations.
(With inputs from PTI)