WE NEED TO MOVE ON Read MoreWednesday, March 26: Here are today’s Ottawa Sun letters to the editor.
Wednesday, March 26: Here are today’s Ottawa Sun letters to the editor.

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Re: CPC unprepared for political ground shift, but it’s not too late to get serious, Lorne Gunter column, March 19
I am concerned about all the talk about who can best deal with President Donald Trump, Pierre Poilievre or Mark Carney. It doesn’t matter. Trump has demonstrated he is no friend to Canada and nothing is going to change his plans.
We need to move on and do what’s best for Canada by immediately ending interprovincial trade barriers, reduce excessive government regulations, urgently build pipelines, get our minerals out of the ground, provide our military with current equipment, get trade agreements in place with other countries, reduce taxes, get rid of extreme environmental policies and make sure the Liberals don’t win the election.
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It is unbelievable that anyone thinks Mark Carney will be different than Justin Trudeau, who he advised for years. He is just a new face with the same MPs who also fully supported Trudeau’s actions, no matter how detrimental to our country.
Just because Carney is a very wealthy businessman does not make him more capable of being the prime minister. We need to replace the Liberals with a Conservative government. Give them the opportunity to resurrect Canada to a meaningful place in the world.
It’s mind-boggling that recent polls indicate that the Conservatives and Liberals are running neck and neck.
How is this possible? Have Canadians forgotten how the bottom has dropped out of their standard of living since the Liberals have been in power? Canadians living in their cars, those who can afford rent and mortgages today wondering if they can keep up. Gas prices sky high, pushed to the limits with carbon taxes.
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What’s next? If Canadians vote Liberal in the election, our economy will implode in record time and Canadians will have no one to blame except themselves.
Come on, everyone, it’s time to smarten up. This is not a game!
It is really hard to believe how partisan the CBC is when it comes to the Liberal party, considering it gets millions of dollars from all Canadian taxpayers, not just those who vote Liberal.
I am beginning to believe Mr. Poilievre is right when he says the CBC should be defunded. Are we any better than Russia when the media there can only say what Vladimir Putin tells them?
Your letters are welcome, at: OttSun.Oped@sunmedia.ca. Include your first and last name AND city/town. Keep your letters short — and please try to be civil, even when criticizing or disagreeing. We edit for accuracy, length, clarity and legal concerns.
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